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Everything posted by Moderador

  1. Vip System For a unique gameplay, we created a Vip System with 3 Levels. Each level has the same value in Donate Coin, but with different stats. Important: Only affect 1 character and not account Status level 1. Increases 10% on Drop/Spoil/Adena rates Allowed to use Special Buffs on Support Magic NPC Allowed to use Auto Farm System Item needed: 1 Vip Rune Duration: 30 days Detail: The Auto Hunting will NEVER attack a Raid Boss / Epic Boss Status level 2. (Upgrade System) Increases 20% on Drop/Spoil/Adena rates Allowed to use Special Buffs on Support Magic NPC Allowed to use Auto Farm System Allowed to use Skins System There is no stats on Skins You can change Skins only in Giran You can change Skins anytime you want You can unequip anytime you want You can use any acessory to complete the Skin look Item needed: 2 Vip Runes to Upgrade Duration: 30 days Attention: The time will be renewed by 30 days If you use Vip 1 and Vip 2 at the same time, it will be 30 days and not 60 days If you do not renew Vip 2 before the 30 days expires, you will lose Vip 1 and 2 If you renew the Vip 2, it will be automatically upgraded to Vip 3 Status level 3. (Upgrade System) Increases 30% on Drop/Spoil/Adena rates Allowed to use Special Buffs on Support Magic NPC Allowed to use Auto Farm System Allowed to use Skins System There is no stats on Skins You can change Skins only in Giran You can change Skins anytime you want You can unequip anytime you want You can use any acessory to complete the Skin look Allowed to use Teleport Vip directly from map (Alt+M) You can teleport to all Quest/Hunting Zones/Region directly from map (Alt+M) You can NOT teleport to Raid Boss directly from map (Alt+M) Item needed: 3 Vip Runes to Upgrade Duration: 30 days Attention: The time will be renewed by 30 days If you use Vip 1 and Vip 2 at the same time, it will be 30 days and not 60 days If you do not renew Vip 2 before the 30 days expires, you will lose Vip 1 and 2 If you renew the Vip 3 BEFORE IT EXPIRES, you will earn 15 days of Vip 3 You can renew Vip 3 whenever you want for 15 days if you dont let it expire. If you let Vip 3 expires, you will have to upgrade Level 1 and 2 again. Go to the NPC Angel Cat in Aden (Or Giran) to Register your Rune
  2. Raid Boss Points Português Nosso sistema de Raid Points consiste em uma pontuação de todos os Boss do jogo, não importa o level. Como funciona: As pontuações, do Boss e do Player, podem ser vistas no mapa (ALT+M) "Total Score" e "Points"; Toda a Party ganhará o ponto; Os Boss terão pontos aleatórios entre 1 e 3 (Epic Bosses terão mais pontos); Raid Points podem ser comercializados (Npc de troca em Aden); O Npc de troca possui uma loja de Raid Points, com itens atrativos ao player (Procure por Kingth Honor, em Aden); Os Raid Points também são passados por todo o CC (Channel Command); Os Boss que estão mortos ficarão com o nome vermelho no mapa (ALT+M) ou confiram no site. English Our Raid Points system consists of a score for all bosses in the game, regardless of level. How it works: The score of the boss and the player can be seen on the map (ALT + M) "Total score" and "Points"; The entire match will earn the point; The bosses will have random points between 1 and 3 (Epic Bosses will have more points); Raid points are tradeble (Exchange NPC in Aden); The Npc exchange has a Raid Points Store, with attractive items for the player (look for Kingth Honor in Aden); Raid Points are also passed through the entire CC (channel command); Dead bosses will have a name in red on the map (ALT + M) or check it on the website. Español Nuestro sistema de Raid Points consiste en una puntuación de todos los Jefes en el juego, sin importar el nivel. Como funciona: Las puntuaciones de Jefe y Jugador se pueden ver en el mapa (ALT + M) "Puntuación total" y "Puntos"; Todo el partido ganará el punto; Los jefes tendrán puntos aleatorios entre 1 y 3 (Epic Bosses tendrá más puntos); Se pueden intercambiar puntos de incursión (Npc de intercambio en Adén); El intercambio Npc tiene una tienda Raid Points, con elementos que son atractivos para el jugador (busque Kingth Honor, en Aden); Los puntos de incursión también se pasan por todo el CC (comando de canal); Los jefes que estén muertos tendrán un nombre rojo en el mapa (ALT + M) o lo consultarán en el sitio web. Total Score and Points Raid Points Exchange and Store Atenção: Esses itens podem ser trocados até a abertura, é um Npc do Beta Test Attention: These items can be exchanged until opening, it is a Beta Test Npc Atención: Estos artículos se pueden intercambiar hasta su apertura, es un Npc de prueba Beta
  3. PC Bang System Português Teremos desde o início do servidor o sistema de PC Bang Points, que será usado para compra de certos itens dentro do jogo. Como funciona: A cada 1 hora no jogo o jogador ganhará 1 ponto. PC Bang Points terão que ser trocados no NPC Kingth Honor, que fica em Aden PC Bang Points não ser comercializáveis Eventos: Faremos eventos para dobrar os pontos ganhos por hora. Avisaremos com antecedência. É um sistema bem simples, basta ficar online para ganhar pontos. Importante: Loja Offline não te dará PC Bang Points. English We will have the PC Bang Points system from the beginning of the server, which will be used to purchase certain items within the game. How it works: Every 1 hour in the game the player will earn 1 point. PC Bang Points will have to be redeemed at NPC Kingth Honor, which is in Aden PC Bang Points are not tradable Events: We will have events to double the points earned per hour. We'll let you know in advance. It's a very simple system, just stay online to earn points. Important: Offline Store will not give you PC Bang Points. Español Tendremos el sistema de PC Bang Points desde el comienzo del servidor, que se utilizará para comprar ciertos artículos dentro del juego. Cómo funciona: Cada 1 hora en el juego, el jugador ganará 1 punto. Los PC Bang Points deberán canjearse en NPC Kingth Honor, que se encuentra en Adén PC Bang Points no son intercambiables Eventos: Tendremos eventos para duplicar los puntos ganados por hora. Le haremos saber de antemano. Es un sistema muy simple, solo conéctese en línea para ganar puntos. Importante: Offline Store no le dará puntos de PC Bang.
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